The Friends of the Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens
Present a guided tour of THE SANCTUARY OF ARTEMIS AT BRAURON on Sunday September 27, 2009
Led by Dr. Stavros Paspalas
The sanctuary of Artemis at Brauron (modern Vravrona) was one of the most important countryside sanctuaries of Attica. It is believed that it was a centre of religious activity at least from the Mycenaean period, and saw its high point during the fifth and fourth centuries B.C. It was during that period that the monumental remains –including a temple, stoa and bridge– which are now visible, were built. Here Artemis was worshipped foremost in her manifestation as a huntress, but also as the protectress of women. Her mythological links with the Mycenaean princess Iphigeneia were also stressed. The sanctuary is best known for the Arkteia, a very unusual form of service that young girls of good Athenian families offered to the goddess. Throughout the duration of the Arkteia the girls lived at the sanctuary and participated in special rituals which aimed to please and appease Artemis.
We will lunch at one of the seaside tavernas in the area.
Cost: Members: €25 Guests: €35
Charge includes entrance fees, but not lunch.
Please wear non-slip shoes.
You may pay on the day but PLEASE CALL the Office of the AAIA on +30-210 924 3256 to BOOK.
The bus will leave from the corner of Philhellinon and Mitropoleos Sts., just off Syntagma at 10:00 am
and will return at about 6 pm.
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