Title: Rita Antonopoulou, Eleonora Zouganeli and Natassa Bofiliou Together
Location: Technopoli in Gazi
Description: Rita Antonopoulou, Eleonora Zouganeli and Natassa Bofiliou together for the first time at Technopoli.
October 9, 2009 at 20:30
100 Pireos Street, Gazi
Tickets (advance): 10€, Box office : 15€
This city of Athens welcomes A New Generation of Music in Gazi with 3 rising stars from the Greek music world.
These three voices from the new generation of Greek artist will be performing on this stage for the first time together, but the songs they will share have been sung before, they bring to a new audience old Greek favorites as well as new releases which are quickly becoming new favorites.
Start Time: 20:30
Date: 2009-10-09