Title: Around the world with 3 voices – Farantouri, Pspala & Giannatou
Location: Theatro Pallas
More Info/Register: http://buy.tickethour.com/se_2000315_Around%20the%20world%20with%203%20voices.html?idProduct=2009288
Start Date: 2009-12-07
Start Time: 21:00
End Date: 2009-12-08
It’s been 10 years since Maria Farantouri, Elli Paspala and Savina Giannatou have appeared together on stage, and over the past decade each has followed a her own, unique musical journey. I’ve had the chance over the years to see each of these women perform solo, and now I’m excited at the prospect of seeing them together. Each is has a unique style and an amazing voice. I’m particularly fond of Giannatou, who I was first introduced to via her CD release “Printemps en Salonika”, also the name of her band – a CD of Ladino music of the Jews of Spain and Greece, but seeing Farantouri last summer at the Little Theater at Epidaurus was in and of itself an amazing experience!
Now they’re returning to the stage to lead us on a musical journey around the world. Though each has their roots in Greek music, their years of travel have led them from Afghanistan to Finland, from Turkey to Brazil, and from the Pallas Theater auditorium we’ll travel with them from the music of the Byzantium to Greek Rembetika (and who knows where in between?) The three voices will be accompanied by the pianist Takis Farazis.
Tickets are available from tickethour.gr and range from 20 to 70 euro.
I wonder if it is too late to change my return flight back to Chicago?