Title: Savina Yannatou, Doros Dimosthenous with the ERT Orchestra, Poertry of Pablo Neruda
Location: Megaron Mousiki – Athens Music Hall
Link out: Click here
Description: Mihalis Grigoriou: Amor
20th & 21st CENTURY MUSIC
Music & Poetry
– Mihalis Grigoriou: Amor, on poetry by Pablo Neruda (commissioned by the Athens Concert Hall Organization, premiere)
Soloists: Savina Yannatou, Doros Dimosthenous
ERT (Hellenic Radio & Television) National Symphonic Orchestra & Choir
Conducted by Miltos Logiades
Public booking opens: 4 January
� Τitle Mihalis Grigoriou: Amor
� Dates 26/01/10
� Time 20.30
� Hall Friends of Music Hall
� Cycle/Series 20th & 21st CENTURY MUSIC
� Grand Tier 35,00 €
� Zone Α 25,00 €
� Zone B 18,00 €
� Zone C 10,00 €
� Students 6,00 €
Start Time: 20:30
Date: 2010-01-26