“If I get up, I will go …”
Of course, in my case, I will be going. To Stavros tou Notou to have a chance to see the person behind the voice on my very first (and only) Greek LP (yes, remember vinyl?) I was about 16 when someone noticed my guitar playing combined with my teenage girl obsession with American singer songerwriter Carole King so they gave me the Greek equivalent, Arleta (ok, I don’t think Arleta ever wrote any of her songs, but she did play the guitar and sing ballads). Anyway, I don’t know whatver happened to the LP, but I’ve always wondered what happened to Arleta. I hear her music on Greek radio and this fall I’ll venture out to once of Athens best folk / rock clubs to see her in person.
Arleta, Greek folk singer, guitar player, and gifted with a really lovely voice for sharing some of Lakis Papadopoulos’ greatest ballads with us.
Arleta & Lakis Papadopoulos, Mondays & Tuesdays in October at Stavros tou Notou
Frantzi & Tharipou 37, Ν. Kosmos, 210-92 26 975, 210-92 39 031.
Mondays & Tuesdays