It’s a question that has been asked by many, since the legend that it was Pheidipeides ran from Marathon to Athens, shouted out “We won”, and died, has been debunked by Herodotus (as has another story that attributes this run to Thersippus, passed on by Plutarch in the Glory of Athens).
On Friday, October 29, the organizers of this year’s anniversary year Athens Marathon will try to solve this mysterious story of the infamous soldier who ran to Athens and dropped dead, defining the term “marathon” and inspiring millions of runners around the world to take on the same challenge. (Of course most runners will tell you that this, the Athens Classic Marathon, is THE Marathon of all Marathons, the toughest marathon course in the world … driving it, particularly the 16 or so uphill kilometers from the other side of Pendeli, I tend to think it must be true).
So whether you are here in Athens to run the Marathon, to support another who is running or you live here or just happen to be here this week, check out the special presentation at the Zappeion Megaro – followed by a terrific free concert by the Mikis Theodorakis Orchestra on October 29, 2010.