Another great initiative by those enterprising Greeks! In an effort to keep central Athens vibrant, safe and alive, the Merchant’s Association along with a variety of other organizations have launched “Fridays in Athens”, welcoming locals and visitors alike to come down to the center and explore, shop, wander and enjoy.
Each Friday merchants throughout the center will have special offers, perhaps a free drink or an exceptional discount on particular items in their shops, and though not specifically announced, I’m certain there are sure to be entertainers roaming the streets and downtown theaters are offering 50% discounts on tickets to live performances. City Siteseeing is offering free tickets to tours, even McDonald’s restaurants in Syntagma & Omonia Squares are getting into the act with their own specials.
Fridays in Athens will run every Friday beginning March 16, 2012 – through April 6, 2012. For more details visit their official website (only in Greek for the moment).